RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Download pre-release library modules and new examples to use with Astrobe for Cortex-M. Forum members can also upload their own source code examples.
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RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:45 am

Today, I have made available a first set of Oberon modules to program the RP2040 using Astrobe for Cortex-M0, v9.0.3. There's also a tool to transmogrify Astrobe '.bin' file to the contents and UF2 format for the RP2040.

The library contains as of today:

1) Basics to get off the ground: clocks, reset releases, memory configuration and management, run-time error handling, GPIO, Exceptions, MCU-style definitions (register addresses and such), programming both cores: https://oberon-rtk.org/software/

2) Formatted Text output to two serial terminals: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/text ... and-input/

3) A first variant of a cooperative (non-preemptive) multi-threading kernel: https://oberon-rtk.org/kernel/kernel-de ... kernel-v1/

Info & docs: I have set up a website with information and some minimum first documentation: https://oberon-rtk.org

Repository: the library and tools can be found in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk

Examples: there are two example programs to get you started: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/

Dependency: you need a registered copy of Astrobe for Cortex-M0 (v9.0.3) to build the code

Astrobe settings: see https://oberon-rtk.org/tools/astrobe-for-cortex-m0/

File converter/uploader: see the 'tools' folder; for usage and installation instructions see https://oberon-rtk.org/tools/abin2uf2/
Last edited by gray on Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:45 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:21 am

Made a few library changes, mostly to the text output machinery: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/changes-2024-01-17/

Added a new example program, showing how to avoid busy waiting for a peripheral: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/nobusywaiting/

Edited the kernel description for structure and hopefully clarity: https://oberon-rtk.org/kernel/kernel-de ... kernel-v1/

All code is in the GitHub repo: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk
Last edited by gray on Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:57 am

Latest changes and extensions: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/changes-2024-01-29/

Main extension: reading from serial terminals: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/text ... and-input/

New example program: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/readterminal/

Some thoughts about the implications of using two processor cores: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/two-processor-cores/

All code is in the GitHub repo: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:13 pm

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:03 am

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:47 am

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:50 am

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:44 am

Latest updates and changes: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/changes-2024-04-04/

Astrobe for Cortex-M0 v9.1 is now the required baseline.

New example program to measure code loading times from Flash, with and without caching, and from SRAM: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/codeloading/

GitHub repo: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:19 am

Latest update and changes: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/changes-2024-04-16/

New example program to introduce the micro-seconds tasking system, with measurements and evaluations of minimum set-up time and minimum time between consecutive tasks, run from flash memory or SRAM: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/taskeval/

GitHub repo: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk

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Re: RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available

Post by gray » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:12 am

Latest update and changes: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/changes-2024-04-25/

New library module Alarms.

Example programs to evaluate a test module Alarms and the library module Alarms: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/alarmeval/ and https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/alarmtest/.

Example program to test thread scheduling by an alarm interrupt handler (kernel v2): https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/blinkplusalarm/

GitHub repo: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk

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