Using the 32Mb of SDRAM on the EA LPC4088 board #2

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Using the 32Mb of SDRAM on the EA LPC4088 board #2

Post by cfbsoftware » Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:14 pm

The attached example source code shows how you can use the 32Mb of EMC SDRAM on the Embedded Artists LPC4088 QuickStart board for dynamic record pointer storage using the Oberon NEW and DISPOSE functions. The example performs the following functions:
  • Use the Oberon NEW function to allocate 1024 records each containing an array of INTEGER with ~32Kb of data.
    Populate every element of every array with a value ranging from 0 to 1024 * 8191 - 1.
    Display how much heap memory is available after the allocation.
  • Verify that none of the data has changed since it was written
  • Deallocate all the records using the Oberon DISPOSE function and display how much heap memory is now available to be reused again.
The example can be used with Astrobe for Cortex-M4 v5.2 or later.
SDRAMHeap.mod, EMC.mod
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