Using the 32Mb of SDRAM on the EA LPC4088 board #1

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Using the 32Mb of SDRAM on the EA LPC4088 board #1

Post by cfbsoftware » Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:10 am

The attached example source code shows how you can read/write the 32Mb of EMC SDRAM on the Embedded Artists LPC4088 QuickStart board using the Astrobe SYSTEM.COPY function. The example performs the following functions:
  • Fill the SDRAM with integers from 0 to 8388607 (32 Mb of data) by copying the data from an array using SYSTEM.COPY, 4K bytes at a time.
  • Read back the data by copying the data to an array using SYSTEM.COPY, 4K bytes at a time and compare with the original values.
The example can be used with Astrobe for Cortex-M4 v5.2 or later.
SDRAMReadWrite.mod, EMC.mod
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