IDE / Editor |
Professional |
Personal |
- Standard Windows, programmer-oriented, text-editing features
- Fast and responsive interactive operation
- Tabbed multi-document interface for editing multiple source files (modules)
- Split-screen editing
- Regular expression support in Find / Replace
- Bookmarks
- Line modification indicators
- Optional line numbers, printing features etc. etc.
- The module in the current window is the target of the Compile and Make commands
- Create and run Console and WinForms applications
- Generate and view interface definition files of .NET or 3rd-party assemblies
- Automatic syntax colouring of language elements as you type
- Auto-capitalisation of Component Pascal keywords as you type
- User-customisable Tools menu for integrating batch files, Windows commands or 3rd-party applications
- Desktop HTML Help
Code Navigation |
- Alphabetical auto-indexed list of procedures. Click on the name to go to the procedure
in the source code.
- Auto-indexed list of imported modules. Click on the module name to open the file.
Gardens Point Component Pascal Language Features |
- Component Pascal is a general-purpose programming language first published in 1997.
- GPCP conforms to the 2006 Component Pascal Language Report
- Includes .NET-related extensions
- Type-extension with methods for Object-Oriented programming
- Byte, Integer, Boolean, Char, Set, Array, Record and Real data types
- SHORT, LONG and .NET CLR versions of data types and operations
- Create Component Pascal symbol files from .NET DLLs
- Pointers to records for dynamic memory allocation
- Extensible, Abstract and Limited record attributes
- Constant, Type, Variable and Procedure declarations
- Open array parameters
- For, Loop, While, Repeat loops and Case (switch) statements
- Nested procedures
- Direct assignment of structured types (arrays and records)
- String concatenation operator
- Assertions for validating input / output parameters
- Type-checking / consistency validation across modules
- Optional read-only access to external global variables
- Nested comments
Compile and Make |
- Fast single-pass modular compilation
- Generates .NET Common Intermediate Language (CIL) as output
- One-click to compile the module in the current window
- Only the current module needs to be compiled if the interfaces of imported modules
are unchanged
- Pre-compiled symbol files are used for fast access to imported modules
- Compilation continues to the end to find as many errors as possible
- Compilation errors are displayed in a separate window
- Click on an error line to take you to the actual line in the source
- Automated Make feature identifies and recompiles all outdated modules
- There is no need to maintain separate 'make' files. The names and locations of imported modules are already known.
- Interfaces of imported modules are validated at runtime to ensure consistency
and eliminate obscure errors
- Compile and Make options are stored in the Windows registry.
Debugging and Error trapping |
- Language support for validation of procedure parameters, pre- and post-conditions
using assertions
- Optional compilation warnings for unused procedures.
- Automatic array index bounds and overflow checking
- Runtime library Out can be used to display output from Console applications in the CPIde output window
- Runtime errors and failed assertions are identified by a callback trace with module and procedure names and source
line numbers
Source Code |
- Full source code of all GPCP runtime library modules
- Full source code of example modules.
Commercial Applications |
- Develop and deploy commercial applications with no additional runtime fees
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